lauantai 22. maaliskuuta 2025

Hari Conner: I shall never fall in love

Alkuteos: I shall never fall in love (2024)

Ilmestymisaika: 2024 (ko.painos)

Kustantaja: Simon & Schuster

Sivumäärä: 288

ISBN: 9781398526709

Muoto: Nid.

Peukku: q^^

*A joyfully queer and stunningly romantic graphic novel inspired by the work of Jane Austen and perfect for fans of Heartstopper, Bloom and Lex Croucher.

George has always been in love with their best friend, Eleanor – and has always tried to ignore it.

Now Eleanor is coming of age and expected to marry a suitable man, it doesn’t matter how George feels – they have to let her go. Besides, George is busy avoiding their aunt’s matchmaking, taking over the failing family estate, and trying to keep their dressing in men’s clothes a secret.

Eleanor has always wanted to do everything ‘right,’ including falling in love – but she’s never met a boy she’s interested in. She’s more concerned with finding the perfect match for her cousin Charlotte, and working out why George is suddenly pulling away. But Eleanor’s friendships seem to be falling apart, and she’s beginning to realise that she likes George more than any man she’s met at a ball…

With a swoon-worthy friends-to-lovers romance, I Shall Never Fall in Love shines a light on what it means to be true to yourself and rewrites the rules of Happily Ever After.*

Seurapiirielämää ja draamaa Jane Austenin hengessä ja sateenkaarevissa tunnelmissa. Pääparina tytöt, joista toinen on aina ollut “poikamainen” ja koettanut opetella miehiseen asemaan. Ystävyyttä, ihastuksia ja paljon historiallista keikarointia. Lopussa hieno tietopaketti LGBTQIA+ historiasta ja historialliselta kantilta.

Kuvitus on realistista ja siihen on saatu huumoria. Hahmojen ilmeet ovat välillä uskomattoman hauskoja.

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