lauantai 1. huhtikuuta 2023

Darwyn Cooke & Amanda Conner: Before Watchmen: Minutemen - Silk Spectre

Alkuteos: Before Watchmen: Minutemen/Silk Spectre (2013)

Ilmestymisaika: 2013 (ko.painos)

Kustantaja: DC Comics

Sivumäärä: 288

ISBN: 9781401238926

Muoto: Sid.

Sarjamerkintä: Before Watchmen

Peukku: q^^

Huom: julkaistu alun perin Before Watchmen: Minutemen 1-6 ja Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre 1-4 -sarjakuvalehdissä

*The prequel to the best-selling graphic novel of all time are finally here: BEFORE WATCHMEN! For over twenty years, the backstories of the now-iconic characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ landmark graphic novel have been the subject of much debate and theorizing. Now, DC Comics has assembled the greatest creators in the industry to further paint the world of WATCHMEN. This volume features MINUTEMEN, written and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (DC: THE NEW FRONTIER) and SILK SPECTRE co-written by Cooke and artist Amanda Conner (POWER GIRL).

As the predecessors to the Watchmen, the Minutemen joined their abilities to fight injustice in an ever-changing world. They represented a new brand of crime-fighting super heroes with names like the Nite Owl, Silhouette, Silk Spectre, Hooded Justice, The Comedian, Dollar Bill, Mothman, and Captain Metropolis. But who among them will ultimately question where the line between hero and villain is drawn? Will their differences of opinion mean the difference between life and death?

As a straight-laced and studious teenager, Laurel Jane Jupiter has been in training since birth to take up the mantle of the Silk Spectre from her mother. No longer able to endure Sally Jupiter’s restrictions, demands and curfews, Laurie runs off with her high school sweetheart, out to map her own path to heroism. Now out of the protective shadow of her mother, Laurie finds that blazing her own trail is more dangerous than she ever could have imagined.*

Minutemen kertoo kiehtovalla tavalla tämän supersankarijoukon synnyn ja tuhon. Se on kiintoisa kokonaisuus, joka ainakin minulle toi paljon uutta tietoa koko maailmasta ja henkilöhahmojen välisistä jännitteistä.

Silk Spectre on jännä kasvutarina, jossa on paljon vihaa, kaunaa ja rakkautta. On myös kiva pohtia, mitä olisikaan käynyt jos asiat olisivat menneet toisin...

Kokonaisuus on toimivaa äksöniä hyvällä kuvituksella. Ei herkille, sillä veri roiskuu.

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