keskiviikko 22. maaliskuuta 2023

Jean van Hamme & Dany: Story without a hero

Alkuteos: Histoire sans héros (1977)

Kääntäjä: Jerome Saincantin

Ilmestymisaika: 2019 (ko.painos)

Kustantaja: Cinebook

Sivumäärä: 56

ISBN: 9781849184144

Muoto: Nid.

Peukku: q^^

*If we agree that a legend is nothing more than transfigured reality, then Story Without a Hero is truly a legend for today. This story puts ordinary men and women in an extraordinary situation that elevates them to the rank of heroes - but shadowy heroes, the kind you would be yourself in the same circumstances, with the same mix of bravery and cowardice. In fact, this Story Without a Hero could easily be your story, one day…

As befits the finest legends, Dany had dreamed of making comics ever since he was a child. His dream would become reality when he created Olivier Rameau with scriptwriter Greg. Yet he constantly strayed from that series to create other things, such as more realistic comics and the craziest advertising projects… In other words, Dany is the poster boy for true, multifaceted talent.

Although covered in university diplomas, Jean Van Hamme quickly realised that he found it much more enthralling to tell stories than to analyse consolidated balance sheets. So he quit his senior executive job and attempted to make a living from his writing. He succeeded with flying colours, working in four different fields: novels, television, cinema… and, of course comic books, where he soon became known a one of the undisputed master writers of the medium through series such as Thorgal, XIII and Largo Winch, as well as one-shots such as Story Without a Hero and Western.*

Realistisesti kuvitettu ja väritetty sarjakuva, jossa seurataan joukkoa henkiinjääneitä. Lentokone teki pakkolaskun keskelle sademetsää ja muutamat selvinneet koettavat taistella elämästään. Ihmiset ja viidakko osaavat kumpikin olla vaarallisia. Millaisiin tekoihin ja keinoihin ihminen on valmis turvautumaan? Mikä on henkiinjäämisen hinta?

Kiinnostava ja jännittävä lukukokemus.

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