Alkuteos: Nymphéas noirs: Adapted from a novel by Michel Bussi (2019)
Kääntäjä: Edward Gauvin
Kuvittaja: Didier Cassegrain
Teksti: Fred Duval
Ilmestymisaika: 2022 (ko.painos)
Kustantaja: Magnetic Press
Sivumäärä: 139
ISBN: 9781951719661
Muoto: Sid.
Peukku: ^^b
Huom: pohjautuu Michel Bussin romaaniin
*Three women lived in Giverny, the village in Normandy where Monet painted his legendary Water Lilies. The first was wicked, the second a liar, the third selfish. All three thought the village was a prison: a grand and beautiful garden, like a painting that could never escape its frame. But for thirteen days, the gates to the cage opened for them. Those thirteen days flew by, beginning with a murder on the first day and ending with another on the last.
Which one do you think managed to escape?
Michel Bussi’s prize-winning 2011 novel Black Water Lilies is masterfully adapted into a stunning graphic novel by Fred Duval and artist Didier Cassegrain.*
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