torstai 6. lokakuuta 2022

Chabouté: Yellow Cab


Alkuteos: Yellow cab (2022)

Kääntäjä: Edward Gauvin

Ilmestymisaika: 2022 (ko.painos)

Sivumäärä: 162

Kustantaja: IDW Publishing

ISBN: 9781684058921

Muoto: Nid.

Peukku: q^^

Huom: pohjautuu Benoît Cohenin romaaniin

*Burned out after 20 years in the business, a french filmmaker finds new inspiration behind the wheel of an iconic New York CIty taxi cab, exploring a world where he is the stranger and the city his new workplace.

Benoit Cohen is drained. With his enthusiasm gone, a desire to stop writing and put down the camera takes over. Looking for a new experience, he moves to New York, but after living in the city for a year, he still wonders about how best to absorb the rich diversity of the cosmopolitan metropolis, finally settling on a simple idea: become a taxi driver. With the help of award-winning artist Chaboté (Alone), the resulting graphic memoir is now a sensitive, deeply human graphic novel, with breathtaking illustrations that pay vibrant tribute to the most famous of American cities.

Behind the fantasy of freedom and independence, behind the faces of his thousands of passengers, Benoit discovers a world most people will never experience. First, the administrative maze that leads to the taxi driver’s license. Then the people behind the scenes. And, finally, the prejudices that surround the profession and lead the customers, police, and entire city to look at it, quite randomly, either with indifference, kindness, or aggression.

Diving into his new life with the idea of turning it into a screenplay for a future film, the material he collects from this social experiment marks him deeply, leading down unsuspected paths as the project transforms into an autobiographical novel interspersed with reflections on the creative process.*

Sympaattisesti kuvitettu mustavalkoinen sarjakuva, joka kuvaa yhden miehen matkaa taksin kuljettajaksi. Mukaan mahtuu aikamonia päiviä, aika monia sattumuksia ja hidasteita. Sekä monia kummallisia yllätyksiä. Sitten kun viimein luvat on saatu ja päästään ajamaan taksia, tulee vastaan jos jonkinmoista matkustajaa... Kuvaava ja omalla tavallaan viehättävä teos. Kuvitus on kiva. Tumma ja omalla tavallaan tarkka kuvaus erilaisuudesta ja kaupungista, jossa sattuu ja tapahtuu.

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